Steam Security Info

Securing your Steam account

Daily phishing example #12

[14.49]The phisher:helloare you here? [14.49]Steam Security Info:Hi. [14.50]The phisher:what’s your rank in cs? [14.50]Steam Security Info:MGE [14.52]The phisher:can you join my team for a tournament game? we need one more player [14.52]Steam Security Info:Sure....

Daily phishing example #11

It all starts like this, you get a profile comment from someone you haven’t played with, even if you haven’t played that game for several weeks. If you add the Steam account the profile comment you got is linking to, you will get invited to a CS:GO, DOTA...

Daily phishing example #9

[16.03] The phisher: hey [16.03] Steam Security Info: Hello [16.17] The phisher: Which class do you like to play in TF2? [16.17] Steam Security Info: Sniper. [16.18] The phisher: ah lol we are having a tournament and i wanted to ask if you can join my team , we need...

Daily phishing example #8

Yo bro, we’ve played cs together last week, we’d like to have you in our team. There’s our group [URL redacted] . Join it and contact “Lexus” if you’re interested. Btw we’re planning to...

Daily phishing example #7

[15.14] The phisher: can we talk, man? [15.14] Steam Security Info: Sure. [15.17] The phisher: we need 5th player for our csgo roster, theres one decent tournament that starts soon. What is your rank? I think we can play together [15.17] Steam Security Info: Silver 3....

Daily phishing example #6

[20.45] The phisher: heeey duuuude [20.45] Steam Security Info: Hello. [20.48] The phisher: what is your cs:go mm or faceit rank [20.51] Steam Security Info: MM is DMG and I don’t use faceit. [20.53] The phisher: cool, can u play for one of my teams preliminary...