Steam Security Info

Securing your Steam account

Tue 3. March 2020

[3.3.2020 12.18]
The phisher:

[3.3.2020 12.18]
Steam Security Info:

[3.3.2020 12.18]
The phisher:
Do you sell your DreamHack 2013 Souvenir Package for the right price?

[3.3.2020 klo 12.19]
Steam Security Info:
No plans for selling it at the moment, sorry.

Thu 12. March 2020

The phisher:
i created a new design of a character for cs go and I want to know your opinion :)can you please estimate it in range of 1…10 and give me some advices what can I make betteR?

Steam Security Info:

The phisher:
Create your own personage | workshopitems
Creating your own personages for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2.
https:// [URL redacted]

 try to find lucky76 like this

that is a community of designers like everyone can join it and create their own design of smth like character or weapon

The phisher:
and i upload it there to get some cash or just for fun XD

The phisher:
i do that to get a job as a 3d painter so that work is really important for me, that is why I ask you to rate it ^^